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Acne is more than skin deep

Acne is more than skin deep

Anyone who’s ever struggled with acne understands the frustration that comes along with trying to get breakouts under control. You may try eliminating some skincare products and adding others to help achieve a clear complexion, but still may find yourself battling blemishes.

However, there’s more to acne than its effect on the appearance of your skin. How about the impact acne has on your actual life? Many of those who experience chronic acne say their lives would be different if their skin was blemish-free—and it’s not uncommon to skip dates, get-togethers with friends and even job interviews because of a breakout. 

As a result, many acne suffers say they experience insecurity and negative feelings about themselves because of acne flare-ups, in addition to steering clear of social media “photo ops” and missing out on significant life events. 

Although persistent acne that doesn’t respond to DIY efforts requires a trip to the dermatologist, have you considered the role your hair care may be playing? SEEN performed a clinical study that showed hair-care products, including rinse-off products like shampoo and conditioner, can leave a residue that remains on the scalp, forehead, cheeks, and upper back for hours. Leave-in products can also create residue that is transferred from the hair to the skin or even from the hair to bedding to the skin, in turn contributing to clogged pores.[1]


For these reasons, it’s important to make sure that your hair products aren’t contributing to your skin issues. Fortunately, SEEN products are specifically designed to be non-comedogenic and non-irritating, and have been shown to reduce acne breakouts despite being non-medicated. A dermatologist-graded study of 27 patients with mild to moderate acne who used SEEN Shampoo and Conditioner, showed that after 8 weeks, 70% with body acne improved and 52% with face acne improved (as assessed by dermatologist grading).[2]



In addition to the skin improvement SEEN can deliver, you also get smoother, healthier hair plus less frizz and breakage (when SEEN Shampoo and Conditioner are used as a regimen)—which should help you feel at least a little better equipped to handle all of life’s major moments.

[2] Rubin IK. Efficacy of a Non-Comedogenic Hair Care Regimen for the Reduction of Mild-to-Moderate Truncal and Facial Acne: A Single-Arm 8-Week Study. J Drugs Dermatol. 2021 Jun 1;20(6):690-693.

[2] Rubin, IK, Gourion-Arsiquaud S. Deposition and retention of hair care product residue over time on specific skin areas. J Drugs Dermatol. 2020;19:419-423